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Calculator of potential earnings with Upgrades

Download the Excel sheet to calculate your potential earnings from selling room Upgrades.

Professional Simulator
Quick to use

What you will find inside the Excel file:

  • 1

    Professional simulator

    Downloading the file, you will find not just a trivial table, but a calculator that is simple to fill out. No matter what kind of facility you run and how many rooms you have, the calcultaro of potential earnings with Upgrades is designed to fit any solution.

  • 2

    Monetize Upgrades

    How much could you earn if you offered a room or apartment Upgrade to every guest? It only takes a few accepting guests to skyrocket your revenue upward. The calculator will show you exactly how much.

  • 3

    Zero calculations

    This Excel file is also designed for anyone who is not comfortable with calculations. You simply enter the required information in each column and the result will be calculated automatically. No more mistakes or headaches!

How to do Upgrades right

Upgrades are an easy way to increase profits, but only if you know how to do it. To calibrate the strategy, you need to know your real profit margins: request the Excel and start calculating them now!

Calculator of potential earnings with Upgrades - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Inside the file you will find two worksheets: the first is called "Instructions" and contains all the directions you need to start using it right away.

  • Of course! Our Excel spreadsheet is designed to calculate potential earnings with Upgrades, but this is just one of the many services you can offer as an upsell to your customers. If there are other extra services you offer for free, and you want to know how much you could make from selling them... just add them to the table and turn it into a tool tailored to your lodging facility!

  • Yes! The data to be entered are easy to retrieve and are related only to the number of rooms or apartments, occupancy rate, average ADR, and price difference between rooms.