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How to do revenue management with regulars (without losing them)

5 tips (+ bonus) that will solve price management with legacy customers forever.

Practical strategies
Win-win approach
Stop economic damage

What you will find inside this guide:

  • 1

    Legacy clients: does it pay off?

    Does keeping a customer at all costs always pay off? Actually, not all regulars benefit your business, and in some cases you need to let them go. In this guide, you will find out how to make this decision.

  • 2

    5 practical and tested methods

    Managing the prices of longstanding customers is difficult if you don't know how to do it. In this guide you will find 5 proven methods that will help you increase your revenue even with your most loyal customers, without seeing them leave.

  • 3

    Bonus tip

    Five methods weren't enough for us, so we added an additional piece of advice that will give you even more clarity on the way forward. Your most loyal customers will no longer be a concern!

Revenue management and legacy customers? It can be done!

A repeat customer is a certainty. But in some cases it is a certainty to lose revenue! How can you apply dynamic pricing without displeasing anyone? Download this guide to find out!

How to do revenue management with regulars - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • It can happen if you are not prepared to handle the change. The tips you find in this guide are designed to benefit not only you, but the guests themselves, so as to make the change gradual, painless and profitable for everyone.

  • We know that with legacy customers, what happens is that the focus shifts from turnover to the relationship that has been built up over the years. However, if you want to continue to offer them your services and, indeed, to improve them over time, ensuring you make the most profit is crucial. That's why in the guide you'll find metrics to measure and questions to ask yourself to figure out if and when you should keep your established clientele.

  • To write this guide, we have used all our industry knowledge to the main strategies adopted by hoteliers like you. Because you are not alone, many of our clients also faced this issue when introducing dynamic pricing. Read their testimonials on our "Success Stories" page!