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How to create the perfect guest questionnaire

The right questions to gather valuable data and increase guest satisfaction (and your revenue).

Ready-made template
Measurable results

What you will find inside this resource:

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    Optimized design

    Our questionnaire template is intentionally simple and straightforward: making sure it is intuitive and quick is key to enticing your guests even more to fill out the survey and leave their feedback.

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    Easy customization

    The questions in the template cover all essential areas: from check-in to amenities, from room cleanliness to staff performance. You can easily customize them to suit your offering and type of clientele.

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    Once the questions are defined, the questionnaire can be made in either paper or digital format. This way, you are sure to reach every type of guest, regardless of their preferences and habits.

Satisfaction is your key

Sincere feedback from your guests is the key to increasing reputation and loyalty, but you need to know how to collect and measure it correctly. Learn how to do it with this template!

Guest satisfaction questionnaire for hotels - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • It is always helpful to review and update your routines regularly. You can download the questionnaire to compare it with your own and check that you haven't forgotten anything at all to get the information you need to improve your accommodation.

  • Without tangible feedback from your guests you may not have the right clues to effectively improve your service. Guests see your facility through different eyes and may reveal problem areas that, perhaps out of habit, you and your team don't pay attention to. Acting on your guests' suggestions will increase their satisfaction and thus also your hotel's reputation.

  • After downloading the template, you will also find contained inside it a number of suggestions on how to adapt it to your specific needs. If you need further guidance, you can find more useful information in our blog post