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Success Stories

Successful hoteliers and hospitality entrepreneurs use Smartpricing: Read more about their stories and the results they have achieved!

Albergo Stella d’Italia

Albergo Stella d’Italia

Tenno, Italy

Smartpricing dared to go further than I did. It sells at much higher prices than before, allowing me to significantly increase my turnover.

Hotel Meandro

Hotel Meandro

Gargnano, Italy

We didn't think we could exceed last season's turnover, yet with Smartpricing we did!

Residence Guardamare

Residence Guardamare

San Vincenzo, Italy

What convinced me about Smartpricing was that I could set a maximum and minimum price and still have the final say in determining my rates.

Hotel Original

Hotel Original

Torino, Italy
  • +32% Revenue
  • +14% Occupancy
  • +15% ADR
  • +32% RevPAR
Maison La Saxe

Maison La Saxe

Courmayeur, Italy

At times, for external reasons, I have sold fewer rooms than in the past, but thanks to Smartpricing, the turnover has remained the same.

Hotel Palazzo Vitturi

Hotel Palazzo Vitturi

Venice, Italy
  • +58% Revenue
  • +8% Occupancy
  • +47% ADR
  • +58% RevPAR
Residence Poli

Residence Poli

Venice, Italy
  • +95% Revenue
  • +30% Occupancy
  • +49% ADR
  • +95% RevPAR
Serendipity Hotel

Serendipity Hotel

Sauze d'Oulx, Italy

Smartpricing saves me time: I do a check every now and then, after that, the work is handled automatically and our pricing policy is followed. One less thing to think about!

Garnì Lago Nembia

Garnì Lago Nembia

San Lorenzo in Banale, Italy
  • +53% Revenue
  • +11% Occupancy
  • +12% ADR
  • +53% RevPAR