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5 advanced strategies to disintermediate from OTAs and increase direct bookings

The guide to perfecting your disintermediation efforts and making them more profitable

Less commissions
More loyalty
More revenue

What you’ll find inside the guide:

  • 1

    The basic requirements

    Before applying any disintermediation strategy, it is necessary to have a solid foundation. In this guide, you will find the 4 essential requirements you need to fulfill before thinking about disintermediation in an effective way.

  • 2

    5 advanced strategies

    From disparity strategies to advertising campaigns to loyalty programs: in this guide, you will find 5 comprehensive strategies to increase direct bookings. You will be able to apply them all or choose the most suitable one based on the characteristics of your accommodation and the available budget.

  • 3

    How to measure results

    How can you tell if disintermediation pays off or if the cost of acquiring direct customers is too high? Each accommodation has different characteristics, and it is not possible to generalize. In this guide, you will find instructions on how to measure the effectiveness of your strategy.

Take control over OTA commissions

OTAs have revolutionized the way people book travel, and while doing without them is difficult, limiting the impact of their commissions is possible. Download the guide and prioritize your revenue!

5 advanced strategies to disintermediate from OTAs and increase direct bookings - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • If this is your first time approaching disintermediation, this guide is right for you because it provides a comprehensive overview of the kind of engagement this activity entails. Inside, you will find the requirements to get started, advanced strategies to apply once you have laid the foundation, and, finally, the tools for measuring results. After reading it, you will be able to tell whether your facility is ready to go down this road!

  • Of course! This guide is useful precisely for those who, like you, already have the necessary elements to disintermediate but need strategic support to make it more effective. Inside the guide, you will find 5 practical insights to compare with the measures you already have in place, to decide whether to adjust your focus or change your strategy completely.

  • Disintermediation is not a must, and it is true that, for many hoteliers like you, OTA fees are offset by undeniable benefits. That's why the methods suggested in the guide are for "smart disintermediation," that is, maintaining the benefits of OTAs while managing to increase your direct customer base.