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In-stay upselling in hotels: how to sell more and better

The 14 steps to follow to multiply sales opportunities during your guests’ stay (Checklist).

Anticipate needs
Increase satisfaction
Boost revenue

What you'll find inside the checklist:

  • 1

    Preparatory steps

    Improvising is never a good idea, and this also applies to in-stay upselling. In this checklist, you will find all the preliminary steps to create a truly compelling offer and to communicate it in the most effective way.

  • 2

    The best techniques

    To succeed in proposing upsells throughout your guests' stay, you need to be present but not intrusive, to find the perfect time and manner, and to gather immediate feedback. Here are some useful tips to make sure you get it right!

  • 3

    Your space

    In-stay upselling is not a static technique: to work, it needs to be monitored and adjusted whenever needed. As you find the most effective procedures for your clientele, you can add them to this section and share them with your staff.

In-stay Upselling: guests are asking for it!

What do guests want from their stay? It's quite clear by now: more experiences and more personalization. In-stay upselling is the best way to ensure both, and with this checklist, you can start now!

In-stay Upselling in hotels. How to sell more and better - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Yes! The secret to successful in-stay upselling is a targeted offer and effective communication. That's why in this checklist you will find not only tips on how to propose in-stay upselling, but also the basic steps to start with the foundations, without making mistakes that would risk compromising the sales stage.

  • Sure. The tips you find inside the checklist include activities that are easy to do even with a minimal budget and a few extra services. In fact, the best way is just to start with a small step, to assess what really works for you and, only then, decide what investment you would need to make the strategy more effective.

  • Yes! Having staff to devote to in-stay upselling certainly makes it easier, but this checklist is designed to be used even in smaller accommodations. Being on your own (or a few) to do the upselling will also allow you to test its feasibility and results even faster!