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Calculate your reservation history and predict the future!

Download the free Excel spreadsheet to calculate the data history in your accommodation facility.

Easy calculation
Predict trends
Increase revenue

What you will find inside the Excel file:

  • 1

    The answer to your needs

    Do you want to calculate your history to the penny on a daily basis? Or do you prefer a broad view for each month? Within the file you can derive your facility's history on the basis you prefer: daily, weekly, monthly...or all three!

  • 2

    Performance indices

    Using predefined formulas allows you to derive the main performance indices for a certain period. What is the RevPAR for a specific day? What about the occupancy rate? The ADR? From now on, you will always have them clear and at hand.

  • 3

    Zero calculations

    If you are not comfortable doing calculations, don't worry: using this Excel file you will only have to enter your figures and the result will be calculated automatically thanks to the formulas we use. This way you will save time and energy. And of course you will reduce errors to zero.

Increase revenue by learning from your past

Your past performance is the key to guaranteeing you more and more revenue in the future: analyze your history well and you'll be able to make reliable predictions. Get the Excel now, no PMS required!

Calculator reservation history - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Inside the file you will find four worksheets. The first one is called "Instructions": there you will find all the directions for filling it out step by step and immediately start calculating your history.

  • Sure! We created a standard file that can adapt to various types of accommodations. This way you can add or delete data that is not relevant to you, resulting in a professional, tailored file with little effort.

  • This file is designed for everyone: both those who do not yet have a PMS and those who want a simpler report than the one provided by their PMS. Even if you already have all this data at your disposal, using it in our spreadsheet can help you cross-check it to gain more awareness and make better decisions.