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How to manage hotel overbooking (to your advantage)

The guide to always knowing what to do, minimizing risk and ensuring high occupancy.

Increase revenue
Address no-shows
Avoid dissatisfaction

What you'll find inside the guide:

  • 1

    How to assess risk

    Before choosing overbooking as a technique to maximize your bookings, you need to know and carefully evaluate not only its advantages, but also all the disadvantages. Here you will find a comprehensive list of the most common potential risks associated with overbooking.

  • 2

    How to create a strategy

    To overbook safely, you need to have a well-thought-out method based not only on experience, but more importantly on historical data and predictive skills. In this guide you will discover the 4 steps to follow to incorporate overbooking into your revenue management strategy.

  • 3

    Operational management

    Each accommodation must manage overbooking according to its own characteristics. However, there are some universal tricks that are useful for minimizing risk, both when overbooking is unintentional and when it is part of a planned strategy.

Overbooking: you don’t fear what you know!

Whether you want to overbook strategically or prefer it never happens to you. In this guide, discover everything you need to manage, harness, or anticipate it to succeed.

How to manage hotel overbooking - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • There is no set rule on the minimum number of rooms required to practice overbooking. Although larger hotels may have more flexibility and resources to handle it effectively, overbooking can also be applied in small facilities to limit the damage of cancellations, such as during peak occupancy periods. In this guide, you will find all the steps necessary to create your strategy and, as a result, assess its feasibility.

  • Yes! This guide is perfect for gaining an in-depth understanding of overbooking, knowing all the risks involved, and learning how to anticipate it. Inside you will find tips on how to limit no-shows and how to prepare yourself in time to handle unintentionally generated overbooking without impacting customer satisfaction and your reputation.

  • Of course. European law does not provide a specific rule for hotel overbooking, but there are general regulations that you need to know and follow in order to fully protect both you and your customers in case of overbooking, for example through the obligation to rebook. In this guide you will find useful tips to make sure you don't go wrong.