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How to use psychology to make hotel upselling irresistible

Discover the psychological principles and foolproof techniques for upselling effectively

Sell more
Differentiate yourself
Satisfy guests

What you’ll find inside the resource:

  • 1

    Psychological principles

    Before applying any sales technique, you need to understand your customers' buying behavior. In this guide, you will find the 3 cognitive shortcuts and the 6 most relevant universal psychological principles we all (including you) are influenced by in decision-making.

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    Upselling techniques

    After investigating the psychological principles, it's time to put them to the test by applying them to your upselling offer. Here are 10 ready-made techniques you can use to upsell effectively, whether at the front desk or throughout your guests' stay!

  • 3

    How to train staff

    To be successful, upselling must be spontaneous and seamlessly integrated into the daily operations of your hotel. To succeed, you need the full cooperation of your staff! That's why in this guide you will find a training program to master upselling in one week.

Read your guests' minds

Do customers' buying decisions seem impossible to predict? Download the guide and discover that you can not only anticipate them, but also use their mechanisms to your advantage!

How to use psychology to make hotel upselling irresistible | Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Of course! This guide is devoted to upselling techniques, but the psychological principles we explain can be applied to any purchasing decision-making process. These are universal mechanisms to which we are all subject, but of which you are often unaware. Knowing them will always give you an advantage, even if you don't decide to actually do upselling.

  • In upselling it is essential to experiment, until you find the right formula for your offer and your customers. This guide contains more than just sales methods: you will also discover the reasons why they work. By knowing the most important psychological mechanisms, you can adjust your techniques or find new ones!

  • Yes! An entire section of the guide is devoted to staff training, with a weekly program to help your staff get into the mindset of upselling, understand its importance, and practice the techniques to make it a smooth, spontaneous process that fits seamlessly into the day-to-day operations of your hotel.