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Revenue Management

The best articles on revenue management for hotels and other accommodations.

OTA commission fees: Tips on how to reduce them - Smartpricing

How to reduce OTA commission fees

And increase your lodging establishment's profit margins.

Cognitive biases and limiting beliefs about revenue management: examples and tips to overcome them | Smartpricing

What beliefs prevent you from doing revenue management? Find out here!

Learn how to recognize the cognitive biases that influence your pricing decisions and put these tips into practice to overcome them and improve your accommodation's results.

Fixed price list in hotels: all the disadvantages - Smartpricing

Do you use a fixed price list? We have bad news for you

Applying fixed prices to your rooms costs a lot more than you might realize.

How to conduct an advanced competitor analysis

How to use competitor analysis to increase your lodging establishment's revenue

Competitor analysis is a key part of any hotel’s or bed & breakfast's revenue management strategy.

The most important KPIs for a hotel - Smartpricing

The KPIs you need to keep an eye on if you want to maximize your hotel's revenue

Not sure what we're talking about? Fear not, we explain it all in this article.

5 methods to reduce vacant rooms and increase revenue in hotels - Smartpricing

5 methods to reduce empty rooms in your hotel (and increase revenue) you may not have thought of yet

Is it possible to increase your hotel's occupancy and revenue even when demand is low? Sure, but only if you adopt the 5 methods we suggest in this article.

Do you manage a small hotel? Here's why you should consider revenue management

Why apply revenue management to a small hotel? (+ case study)

In this article, we talk about revenue management for small hotels and why it is an essential aspect even if you only manage a few rooms.

Rate Parity - Smartpricing

Rate parity explained

There's always a lot of talk in the hospitality industry about rate parity, a recurring theme in revenue management over the past 15 years. In this article, we look at what it is and how to manage it properly.

Revenue management with regular customers: 5 + 1 tips - Smartpricing

5 tested methods (+ bonus) to do revenue management with regular clients, without letting them get away

Among the most frequent nightmares of those who want to do revenue management, is surely managing the rates of that loyal customer, who has been coming for 25 years and is basically a piece of furniture.

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